
All Souls Day
The Mexican Day of the Dead, commemorating the faithful departed.

What Happened On

First Internet Worm
November 2, 1988
The first Internet worm is released by Robert Tappan Morris, a Cornell graduate student. For his actions, Morris also received the first felony conviction in the U.S. under the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. He claimed he wasn't trying to do any harm, it was just an experiment gone wrong. He said he was trying to gauge the size of the Internet. The worm was programmed to check each computer it found to determine if the worm was already present. If not present, it would copy itself. However, it also copied itself 14% of the time it did detect itself. Each copy of the worm slowed down the computer slightly. Some computers ended up with so many copies they became so slow they shut down.
Morris was sentenced to three years probation, 400 hours of community service, and a fine of $10,050 plus the costs of his supervision.
His father, Robert H. Morris, Sr., was the chief scientist at the National Computer Security Center, a division of the National Security Agency (NSA), at the time.

Piano Man
November 2, 1973
Billy Joel's hit song Piano Man is released. It is sung from the point of view of a piano player at a bar, describing the patrons. It is based on Joel's experiences as a lounge musician in Los Angeles from 1972 to 1973. He was working as a lounge musician in an effort to escape his current record contract.

First section of the M1 Motorway nearing completion
Photo Credit: Ben Brooksbank

Photo Credit: Ben Brooksbank

M1 - Britain's First Full-Length Motorway
November 2, 1959
The first section of the British M1 Motorway is opened. It had no speed limits, no lighting, and no crash barriers. The first fatality occurred only 4 days later. The first section included the section between Junction 5 (Watford) and Junction 18 (Crick/Rugby), together with the motorway's two spurs, the M10 (from Junction 7 to south of St Albans originally connecting to the A1) and the M45 (from Junction 17 to the A45 and Coventry). Lighting was added in 1972, and safety barriers were added in 1973.

Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose
November 2, 1947
The billionaire Howard Hughes flies his 200-ton wooden aircraft for its first and only flight, flying for 26 seconds at 70 ft (21 m) off the water at a speed of 135 miles per hour (217 km/h) for about one mile (1.6 km).
It was contracted in 1942 for the war effort, but wasn't completed until 1947, well after the war had ended. It cost $23 million (equivalent to $211 million in 2019 dollars) to build.
It was the world's largest plane at the time and was built from wood due to WWII restrictions on the use of aluminum and other war materials. Although called the Spruce Goose, it was made almost entirely of birch.

Star map showing the position of Tycho's Supernova (left) and infrared image is the remnant of SN 1572 (red circle in the upper left)

Tycho's Supernova
November 2, 1572
A very bright star suddenly appeared in the constellation Cassiopeia. The astronomer Tycho Brahe began observations of the "new star" on November 11 and found that the object did not change its position relative to the fixed stars over several months, as did all planets in their periodic orbital motions, and deduced that it was a fixed star in the stellar sphere beyond all the planets. Up to that time, it was believed the stars were unchanging. The following year he published De nova et nullius aevi memoria prius visa stella ("Concerning the Star, new and never before seen in the life or memory of anyone"), thereby coining the term nova for a "new" star. The appearance of this "new star" helped to revise ancient models of the heavens.
It became as bright as Venus and could be seen by day, but faded from view after just a few years.
It is now understood to have been a supernova and is designated as SN 1572 and is estimated to be about 8-10,000 light years from Earth.
Although he was not the first to observe it, it was named after Tycho Brahe because he wrote extensively about it.

Magic Johnson
November 2, 1992
The basketball legend Magic Johnson retires from the sport for a second time; this time for good.

Dan Quayle
November 2, 1988
While campaigning for the U.S. Vice-Presidency, Dan Quayle was asked how his living arrangements would change if he was elected. He replied, "Well, it would sure be different to live in that White House," apparently not aware that the vice president doesn't live in the White House.

Iran-Contra Affair
November 2, 1986
U.S. hostage David Jacobsen, held since May 1985, is released by the Islamic Jihad in Beirut. It was later revealed that the Ronald Reagan administration, in violation of public policy, had traded arms to Iran for the release of American hostages as part of the Iran-Contra Affair.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
November 2, 1983
The first federal annual holiday honoring a black American is created when U.S. President Ronald Reagan signs the legislation to set aside the third Monday in January to honor the birth (January 15, 1929) of civil-rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr.

Cuban Missile Crisis
November 2, 1962
U.S. President John F. Kennedy announces that the Soviet missile bases in Cuba were being dismantled.

Balfour Declaration of Support for a Jewish Homeland in Palestine
November 2, 1917
The Balfour Declaration established British support for a national home for Jews in Palestine. It read:
"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
The British government was trying to encourage Jewish support, especially in the U.S., of the Allied powers against the Central Powers during World War I.
The declaration was formally approved by the newly created League of Nations in 1922.
It was named for the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, who was also the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1902-05), who wrote it as a letter to Lord Rothschild.

Early automobile

First Automobile Insurance
November 2, 1896
The first automobile insurance is sold, by General Accident Co. in Britain.

North and South Dakota Join the Union
November 2, 1889
North Dakota becomes the 39th U.S. state and South Dakota becomes the 40th.

Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr in the film From Here to Eternity

Burt Lancaster
Born November 2, 1913 d. 1994
American Oscar-winning actor. Film: From Here to Eternity (1953), Elmer Gantry (1960, Oscar), and The Leopard (1963). He started his career as a circus performer.

Warren G. Harding (Warren Gamaliel Harding)
Born November 2, 1865 d. 1923
American politician. 29th U.S. President (1921-23). He died while in office, making Vice-President Calvin Coolidge president. At the time of his death, he was one of the most popular presidents; however, subsequent exposure of scandals that took place under his administration, such as Teapot Dome Scandal and revelations of an affair, reduced his historical rankings and he is often rated among the worst presidents.

James Knox Polk
Born November 2, 1795 d. 1849
American politician. 11th U.S. President (1845-49), Governor of Tennessee (1839-41). He led the U.S. to victory in the Mexican-American War (1846-48). Polk is the only U.S. President to have served as Speaker of the House of Representatives (1835-39).
Polk is the subject of the oldest existing photograph (1849) of a U.S. President taken while in Office.
William Henry Harrison was the first U.S. president photographed while in office, posing for a photo after delivering his 1841 inaugural speech. However, that photo has been lost.
There is a photo of John Quincy Adams taken in 1843, but that was after he left office.

Marie Antoinette
Born November 2, 1755 d. 1793
Queen of France. Disliked by her people for her extravagances and politics, she was guillotined for treason and attempting to incite a civil war.

Daniel Boone
Born November 2, 1734 d. 1820
American pioneer, Indian fighter. Boone explored what is now Kentucky, where he founded Boonesborough, Kentucky, one of the first American settlements west of the Appalachians. More than 200,000 Americans migrated to Kentucky/Virginia by following the route marked by Boone.
Quote: "I can't say as ever I was lost, but I was bewildered once for three days."

k.d. lang (Katherine Dawn Lang)
Born November 2, 1961
Canadian Grammy-winning singer. Music: Constant Craving (Grammy).

Let's Get Ready to Rumble!
Michael Buffer
Born November 2, 1944
American sports ring announcer. He is famous for his catchphrase, "Let's get ready to rumble!" Buffer developed his catchphrase in early 1980s and obtained a federal trademark for the phrase in 1992. He has earned over $400 million from the use of the trademark.
He has served as announcer for boxing, professional wrestling, and National Football League events, among other sports.

Keith Emerson
Born November 2, 1944 d. 2016
British keyboardist, with Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Music: Lucky Man (1970), Tarkus (1971), and Brain Salad Surgery (1974).

Stephanie Powers (Stefania Federkiewicz)
Born November 2, 1942
American actress. TV: Girl From UNCLE (April Dancer) and Hart to Hart (Jennifer Hart).

Durward Knowles
Born November 2, 1917 d. 2018
British sailor. He tied the record for longest span of Olympic competition (1948-88). He is one of only four athletes who have competed in the Olympics over a span of 40 years, along with fencer Ivan Joseph Martin Osiier, sailor Magnus Konow, and sailor Paul Elvstrøm.

Harlow Shapley
Born November 2, 1885 d. 1972
American astronomer. He made the first accurate estimate of the size of the Milky Way galaxy (1918).

Edward V
Born November 2, 1470 d. 1483
King of England (April-June 1483). He and his brother, the Duke of York, were put to death by their uncle Richard, Duke of Gloucester.


The Swedish Nightingale
Jenny Lind (Johanna Maria Lind)
Died November 2, 1887 b. 1820
Swedish singer. Known as "The Swedish Nightingale." In 1850, Lind went to America and performed 93 highly-successful concerts for P.T. Barnum and then continued to tour on her own. She earned more than $350,000 from these concerts, donating the proceeds to charities.

Sid Melton (Sidney Meltzer)
Died November 2, 2011 b. 1917
American actor. TV: Green Acres (1965-69, "handyman" Alf Monroe), Captain Midnight (1954-56, Ikky Mudd), The Danny Thomas Show (1959-64, Uncle Charley Halper), and The Golden Girls (1987-91, Salvadore Petrillo, long-dead husband of Sophia).

Selden Rodman
Died November 2, 2002 b. 1909
American author. He edited One Hundred American Poems (1948), which became the first paperback published by Signet Books.

Hal Roach
Died November 2, 1992 b. 1892
American Oscar-winning film director, producer. His films starred Harold Lloyd, Laurel & Hardy, and the Little Rascals.

The Master of Disaster
Irwin Allen
Died November 2, 1991 b. 1916
American producer, "The Master of Disaster." TV: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1964-68), Lost in Space (1965-68), The Time Tunnel (1966-67), and Land of the Giants (1968-70). Film: The Poseidon Adventure (1972) and The Towering Inferno (1974).

Ralph Edward Schneider
Died November 2, 1964 b. 1909
American businessman, founded Diner's Club (1950), the first credit card company.

James Grover Thurber
Died November 2, 1961 b. 1894
American author, cartoonist. Blind since the age of 40, he continued to illustrate his books until his death. He lost an eye when shot with an arrow while playing William Tell with a brother. He later became almost completely blind due to the injury. Even with his blindness, Thurber drew six covers and numerous classic illustrations for The New Yorker.

George Bernard Shaw
Died November 2, 1950 b. 1856
Irish playwright. Shaw was an ardent supporter of the Fabian Society which promoted non-violent methods to gain equal rights for women and the fair treatment of the working class. Writings: Androcles and the Lion (1912) and Pygmalion (1913), which won both a Nobel Prize (1925) and an Oscar (1938) and was later produced as My Fair Lady.
Quote: Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Simon Guggenheim
Died November 2, 1941 b. 1867
American philanthropist. He and his wife created the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation (1925) in memory of their son.